What Customers Say About Eddie Corbano's DETOX Course
Testimonials And Success Stories From Those Who Successfully Moved On From Their Ex
Roberta R.
"I am so grateful to have found your materials.
They are really helping me with my own story: (removed to protect clients privacy).
I am excited to begin the healing process and the no-contact seems like a great approach (all of your materials are excellent).
Thank you again. Your work is so important."
William S.
"Hi Eddie,
I just really want to thank you... you have no idea how much your site, book and audio have saved me over the last few months! Every time I've felt overwhelmed or things are too much I've turned to you. It's also so nice to have a male perspective, but not just that, you're the only source I have come across online that is ACTUALLY helpful! You don't try to sugar-coat things, or say give it time, you just tell it how it is, truthfully and honestly! It comes through and I think it makes your material all the more helpful and useful!"
Jack C.
"Hi Eddie, your website was the only one I stuck to, after endless hours of scouring the net to look for answers or even just minimal help to remove this darn elephant sitting on my chest. It was so difficult to breathe.
Thank you for your website, and newsletters, and the detox system that i bought - the harder days are shorter and far in between.
Continue doing what you do. and thank you very much."
Mary Ann T.
"The audio works. I can vouch for that. I felt a change IMMEDIATELY. I used your system and it helped tremendously.
Thank you,
Your customer service is outstanding!"
Ainslie M.
"Thank again for this system! You saved me from 5 years of pain in which i shall never return to...
YOUR program is definitely a profound and enlightening strong support... I recommended it to a couple of friends."
Stephan S.
"Hi Eddie,
Just a quick email to say what a fantastic program your Ex-Detox System is. I made many of the post-breakup mistakes that you mention. But today is the first time that I wished I had started No-Contact sooner, rather than wishing I was back with my ex. I'm sure there will still be bumps ahead, but thank you for showing the way!"
Leo Kennedy
"I went and got the emotional help I needed with a psychologist and a psychiatrist, but most importantly enter Eddie’s Ex Detox system. I read the e-book cover to cover, went back to page 1, and I have been working the program since. And all I can say it is unquestionably the best money I ever spent. I’ve learned more about myself than I anticipated. I’ve identified many things in my history, my character, and my personality that I needed to repair. I had been handing over responsibility for my happiness not only to my wife of 20 years, but to my girlfriend who had just dumped me as well. I learned I hadn’t taken responsibility for my happiness in over 20 years. I hadn’t been alone in over 20 years. And I had lost a lot of those abilities that I had before I met my wife that made me a truly happy person on my own.
All I can say is the program works. If you work it page by page on a daily basis beginning with NO CONTACT. You will ultimately start to recover. I’m at the point now where I’m practicing and reciting several affirmations that I’ve written specifically for myself several times a day. And they work! I’ve identified the list of 15 character traits to self discovery and am retraining my inner child. And I’ve created a list of things I want to accomplish that had been sitting for years because of a bad marriage and even worse relationship. Life without your EX is out there people! And it will be amazing.
The quotes in this article are so true! I embody the quote, “You never know how strong you are until being that strong is the only choice you have.” I was broke, everyone I ever loved was gone, and I was experiencing the worst hopelessness and helplessness I ever thought imaginable. And I’m really surprised I made it through that 24 hour period. It’s a long story, but I do believe in divine intervention, without which I honestly don’t think I’d be here. After that, it was Eddie Corbano and his system and his program that have gotten me through. All I can say is work the program, page by page, line by line, do it diligently, and recovery will be yours. I’m sure it will happen and different rates of time for different people. But it will happen and it is amazing. I can honestly say that I live every day now for the most part pain-free. And the break up was only 13 weeks ago. I did manage to regain quite a bit of power from my ex narcissist. That’s something not to be published here, but it was pivotal in my recovery!
All I can say is I absolutely agree with Eddie. There is no better time than when you are truly broken and truly vulnerable to rediscover yourself a rebuild your life."
"I’m declaring myself Recovered.
I chose to put complete trust in Eddie and his system. I read every one of his posts, I watched every video, I downloaded every resource. Eddie promised me that I would feel better and I put blind faith in that because I had nothing else to believe in, and certainly couldn’t feel any worse.
Thank you Eddie!"
Barclay Denholm
"Eddie, I have to say you have lifted me to a higher level of personal consciousness. I am actually now getting over my Ex. Couldn't have done this without you... Thank you x"
Kristine Zaremba
"I believe that of all the programs that I have read about online…. your's is the best."
"I'm very thankful that I found your site, I'm looking forward to reading it. I've been having very hard time trying to get over a breakup! Your information is the best I've read on the Internet... thank you for caring enough to share it."
"You are an amazing person, you rescue souls..."
Maria DeCore
"I am forever thankful for you making me feel I had a friend who understand what I felt, when I felt it. You are an angel."
Laura Whitesel
"You have been a great help. I am only on day 13 of no contact, but every day feels like a mini success towards my 60 days. Thank you again. You're a life saver."
Deborah Grissam
"Eddie, I have a couple email subscriptions to "break up coaches" but your advice is by far the most real and most helpful. Thanks!"