An optimist laughs to forget; a pessimist forgets to laugh. —Tom Nansbury
What makes us human is the ability to laugh at ourselves … especially after such a devastating experience as a breakup.
It is scientifically proven that laughter can reduce blood pressure, anxiety, and other negative emotions. It calms stress hormones, is an immune booster, and can act as a natural antidepressant (source).
Since a breakup induces stress and manifests itself not just emotionally but also physically in your body, you need all the help you can get.
So, take a break, relax, and enjoy.
1. It’s not YOU, it’s ME:
2. No, it’s WE:

3. The real benefit of social media?
4. You break it, you buy it (a little morbid):
5. You might like me better if you got to know me:
6. Artificial Intelligence is going to take over, but not as you imagined it would:
7. Free at last …
8. Picking up the pieces after a breakup:
9. The “best” way to break up with somebody:
10. Instagram and breakups:
11. Not necessarily a comic about breakups, but it demonstrates how one door shuts and another one opens:
Bonus: Overthinking, ruminating over your Ex? Here's what really happens internally:

I hope you had some fun.
Your friend,
Eddie Corbano
Which one put a smile on your face? Let me know in the comments below.