Take the Test: How FAST Can You Move on From Your Ex?

… And I Give You A Proven Way to Speed up the Process

This is the most important page on this website. Please read this entire page, because I’m going to give you a unique way to find out how long it really takes to get over your Ex, as well as the specific areas YOU need to work on to speed up the process.

And after you read this, please take a moment and really think about what it means (only then take the test at the bottom of this page).

I hope by now you have realized that getting your Ex back might not be in your best interest (and I hope I have helped you reach that decision).

Then your one goal is clear:

Stop loving them.

Isn’t it a curious thing that after all the suffering and all the things your Ex might have done, you still haven’t stopped loving them?

Chances are that you are also still idealizing them – putting them up on a pedestal:

“No one was ever a better partner than my Ex.”
“No one could ever understand me better than my Ex.”
“No one would ever be as attractive as my Ex.”
“No one was ever better to my kids than my Ex.”

And its culmination:

“I will never find a partner like my Ex.”

When you believe things like that – even if you can’t help it – you are contributing to the main problem: not being able to let go, still emotionally clinging to them.

You are prolonging your healing time significantly (and I’ll give you a free test that you can take to learn how long it will take for you).

Our main goal should be – and I know how much you want it – to not just un-love your Ex but to get completely over them.

But what does that really mean?

What does that feel like?

It means:

  • You are able to stand in front of them, talk to them, and feel no negative emotions whatsoever.
  • You have given up the idea of having any future with them.
  • You don’t allow them to pull you into a negative behavior pattern.
  • They have completely lost power over you.
  • You now realize that the partnership wasn’t that ideal after all.
  • You finally understand what went wrong and how to make future relationships last.

A “right” recovery leads into that kind of realisation.

It’s a deeper understanding of all the things that lie beneath the pain and suffering –

A deeper understanding of YOU.

And with such an understanding comes a clearer picture of what you really want in a relationship – and what a potential future partner might look like.

But we don’t realize something like that right at the beginning (sadly, sometimes not even after years).

I know that finding new love is the furthest thing on your mind right now, but it’s important to realize that you must take the right steps NOW in order to lay out the foundation for it.

Because the very thing that will free you NOW is also the thing that will enable you to find new love later –

When you are ready for it.

Many people don’t know that. They take the shortcut.

They apply a bandage on a mortal wound and hope it will heal overnight without a scar.

So what exactly is a “right” recovery?

After a long relationship or marriage, we tend to lose the person we really are because we want it to work.

We compromise our own so essential needs.

When the breakup or divorce happens, we find ourselves paralyzed by the notion of having to continue living without them.

The reason for that is the false belief that we really don’t have anything left worth living for.

Having the kids … is that enough?

Being the caretaker … is that enough?

WHAT is it that WE need?

The answer is – we need our “selves.”

We need to gain the understanding that ME is enough.

Me … is all I need.

This is exactly what going through a “right” recovery really means: to put yourself back into the center of YOUR life

… and really loving it and being okay with it.

That is when your life will change for the better, and magical things will happen (as it happened to me).

So what is the first step to achieving all this?

What is the ONE thing you can do right NOW in order to get on the right path?

The very first step is to realize WHERE you are in your recovery.

And it really doesn’t matter if your breakup or divorce was two days or five years ago.

All that matters is how far away you are emotionally to letting go of your Ex.

Because only then will you know what exact areas you need to work on to reach your goal the fastest way possible.

Let me help you to make the first step.

I have a course that teaches the “right” way to break free from an Ex. A way that leads to your right partner, not into another breakup.

A way that reconnects you with your “true self,” making you more self-aware, confident, and strong.

The course is not for everyone, but I want to make sure it's right for YOU, so I've set up a one-of-its-kind “Healing Test” that you can take to assess exactly where you are in your recovery right now.

If you’re interested, I want to show you exactly HOW I did it back then: how I stopped thinking of my Ex and moved on, what led to the epiphany of being able to do so, and how YOU can do it as well.

The very first step in this process is the “Healing Test.”

The test is at no cost for you and only takes about 10 minutes of your time:


Eddie Corbano - LovesAGame

Your friend and coach,
Eddie Corbano

Author of the DETOX System and founder of LovesAGame.com
