So, on most days, I send out helpful advice on how to get over your Ex-Partner.
Well … today is a bit different.
I want to pull back the curtain a little bit and share something more personal.
Here it goes …
I was recently out with some friends at a Whiskey tasting event. And while we sat there enjoying our Single-Malts, someone mentioned that his 50th birthday was coming up soon.
Everyone was now chiming in with their birthdates.
When it was my turn, I said: “52 this December” .
And the very moment I said that a strange melancholy overcame me. I didn’t really know why at first.
Of course, everyone noticed it and started asking me questions.
“Are you scared, old man? Hahaha …” they laughed at me (most of them were scared themselves by the way).
I smiled at the question. These friends didn’t know (yet) about what was going on with me at the time!
This got me thinking about how I should share some of this with you.
You will see why as you read further.
All my closest friends know that I usually don’t care about birthdays or the fact that I’m getting older.
Ever since I overcame my life’s biggest challenge – the breakup with my Ex-Fianceé – and turned my life around, I KNOW that living in the moment and cherishing what you have is the most important thing.
But when I look back at the past years, I realize that my life has changed drastically … (again).
My wife and I have welcomed twin-girls (they are 11 now), which has brought happiness and fulfillment into our lives.

I have established my website and business as the go-to place to get over an Ex-partner. I have expanded the reach of the company to impact even more people.
For example what I did more recently:
- I’m writing daily emails to inspire, motivate and educate you on how to get over your Ex-Partner
- I have completely re-worked my Ex-DETOX Course, making it the most effective and helpful resource in the industry
- I have started to shoot more Youtube videos
- I’m posting more articles, more stuff on Facebook and Pinterest
- I’m doing more interviews
- I even started an Instagram account (and will post more soon)
… these are just a few among many other things.
So everything is going great.
But recently I have the feeling that I hit a dead-end.
As you well know, helping people over the pain of a breakup is MY life purpose.
The positive feedback I receive is what motivates me to go further. I’m getting emails daily from people who say that I’ve changed their lives for the better.
Daily stories about people applying what I teach and finding a new partner that is a better fit, reaching emotional independence, and thriving in all areas of life.
Stories of emotional liberation.
That is no small thing. It’s making me happy.
I am giving back for what I had received myself when I was at the bottom.
But lately, I feel that something is missing.
Don’t get me wrong … I’m still answering emails myself, and communicating with students over our Ex-DETOX private members community.
I feel as if I’m going through something …
I’ve found myself having BIG paradigm shifts in my personal life and the way I look at my business. And I don’t think it’s a midlife crisis.
It has to do with seeing my twins starting to become teenagers, and I’m shocked how fast they are growing up.
It has to do with missing those years where they were small and when we were together ALL the time (I almost cried yesterday when I watched a video of them when they were three years old).
It has to do with a feeling that I can help you even MORE.
Something needs to change. Something needs to be done.
But … (the infamous “But” ) …
There is one REALLY BIG request you have made that I’ve been holding back on – for YEARS, despite many of your pleadings and outcries.
The ONE thing that could change everything for me (… and you).
Fulfilling your request could save me.
BUT … I’m nervous because it means sharing with you more of myself and my business than I have in the past.
And I’m also going to need your help and advice for this.
Anyway, that REALLY BIG request is … (stay tuned until next time).
Your friend,
Eddie Corbano
P.S. I’ll be back with more details in a couple of days. But until then, tell me in the comments the ONE thing that you’d like to change in the next coming year. What would be YOUR “New Year” resolution? (the new year is coming faster than you think …)

Dear Eddie, what a beautiful family, congratulations! You really saved my life, if it wasn’t for you and your course I wouldn’t be able to get over the sharp break up I had. Specially helpful was the no contact rules I still remember the good feeling I had each day when I put a cross to the no contact day, powerful. You are the best!
Thank you so much, Pat. It means the world to me!
My goal for next year is to plan my financial.
Because of the breakup, I use a lot of money this year.
I would like to feel more safe about my financial
Excellent goal. Don’t forget, you have to feel the abundance, then it will come. Wish you all the best.
Your Girls are beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I haven’t been on the site for a while now. Your program gave me the skills & strength to finally be free of a toxic person. It’s been 2.5 years of independence and strengthening my soul. I’m ready for the next chapter. I’m ready to meet “my” Mr. Right…
He’s coming. I feel it…
Thank you so much, Barb, that’s nice of you to say. And yes, he will come when you are ready, and you ARE ready :).
Hello, Eddie. I haven’t been in the forum in a while. I have to say I miss everyone and I wish everyone is well.
My goal for next year is to finally be in a healthy relationship with the right partner.
Thank you Eddie for helping me get through one of the most difficult seasons of my life.
Great to hear from you Kathy, and thank you for your kind words and sharing your goal :).
Gain emotional independence and truly love myself and for it to reflect with my actions. And hopefully attain sobriety!!
That’s an excellent goal, Jonathan. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks Eddie for all your help
Thank you, Leo!
Getting married actually, going for it knowing I’m capable of building a strong union and creating a healthy relationship. I think I’m quite ready now to start a family of my own
That’s a good plan. And yes, you are capable and ready. Wish you all the best!
Thank you for your helpful emails I would not be doing as well as I am if it was not for you, ( I’m sure of that) after 20 years and my ex moving me and our 2 kids to the other side of world leaving everyone and everything behind only for him to leave me for another woman we were left sleeping on the couch of a friend I just meet ,no money ,no job ,no car, no home, no family and one friend ,my world had ended. I could not afford your programme, but your emails saved my life (literally) so thank you from me and my children god bless you Eddie xx
Thank you for your kind words, I’m happy that I could help. Hang in there, you will thrive in the end!
Find some one to love.and this yr os gona b my yr of great things am tired of the same shit everyday.something has to change and its start with me.thanks a lot for your lesson they hlep more than u ever know.
Thank you, Victor. You have the right mindset. It always starts with being fed up with the situation as it is, then doing something about it. Hang in there!