Break Up and Divorce 12 Uplifting Quotes About Moving On After A Break Up

12 Uplifting Quotes About Moving On After A Break Up

I found quotes about moving on after a break up so incredibly helpful after my painful experience back then.

I'm sure you want to move on too, but – as often in life – this is easier said than done.

The hardest step in the arduous journey of breakup recovery is this one painful decision to let go finally.

It's this single choice that means the difference between learning from this devastating experience or dwelling upon the negative for a long time.

And by doing so, risking that this whole process might happen again in your future relationships.

The tricky part about moving on after a breakup is that it takes a conscious decision.

It's so much easier to hold on to the known, the hope that they will come back, rather than to find yourself cut off from your comfort zone.

Moving on, and letting go is exactly that – going out into the unknown, alone, without the one you used to love by your side.

Before you can take this important step, it helps that you are fed up back to the teeth with being powerless, dependent and so helpless about what is happening to you.

This will give you the strength to take action.

Still thinking about your Ex? Click here to take the test to learn how long it takes to heal... and how you can speed up the process.

Will it be easy after that?


But you will have made a significant leap towards independence and healing.

The following quotes about moving on after a break up can help you with that step.

If you are a regular reader, you will notice that we've had some articles with uplifting quotes before, but none so far about moving on after a breakup.

So, enjoy.

12 Uplifting Quotes About Moving On After A Break Up:

Moving On Quote #1:

“Moving on, is a simple thing, what it leaves behind is hard.”
-Dave Mustaine

This is from the song “A Tout Le Monde” by Megadeth.

Moving On Quote #2:

“Watching you walk out of my life does not make me bitter or cynical about love. But rather makes me realize that if I wanted so much to be with the wrong person how beautiful it will be when the right one comes along.”

This quote addresses one of the biggest dangers of suffering from a breakup: not believing in love anymore and shutting down your heart.

This is wrong because there is always someone out there better than your Ex, someone who will meet your needs perfectly. Whether we believe it or not.

Turning away from love out of fear means saying “NO” to life.

Moving On Quote #3:

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving”
-Albert Einstein

Passivity means death; activity is living. If you are passive, you allow negative things to come into your life.

Keep riding the bike.

Moving On Quote #4:

“You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore”
-Christopher Columbus

This is one of my favorites.

To grow and to experience, one must leave their comfort zone.

Very often this means that you have to act against your fear to find what you didn't know you were looking for.

This takes a lot of courage.

Ask yourself, who would Columbus be today if he hadn't had the courage to lose sight of the shore back then?

Moving On Quote #5:

“Love is never lost. If not reciprocated, it will flow back and soften and purify the heart”
-Washington Irving

Love is like positive energy.

Energy is never lost in this universe. It only changes its form.

And so does love.

Love is a positive choice, and love always attracts more love. That's is a fact. (Now I sound like Deepak Chopra).

Moving On Quote #6:

“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us”
-Alexander Graham Bell

This is so true.

We often focus and dwell too long upon negative events in our lives, the “whys” and “what ifs,” that we don't allow new positive things to come into our lives.

We have to open our eyes and say “YES” to life more often.

Moving On Quote #7:

“I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again and tell myself that the mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken, and I'd rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken pieces as long as I lived”
-Margaret Mitchell

Margaret Mitchell wrote Gone With The Wind.

“What is broken is broken.”  That's is often so hard to accept and yet so true.

Moving On Quote #8:

“The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.”

All experiences, be they positive or negative, define who we are as a person.

You can't carry your unfinished past with you if you want to grow, especially when entering a new relationship.

You need to have gotten over past negative experiences.

Because if you haven't, then they will bite you in the lower back eventually.

Moving On Quote #9:

“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”
-E.M. Forster

One of the hardest things to do after a break up is to let go of the bright future that you've planned out together.

Moving On Quote #10:

“Letting go doesn't mean that you don't care about someone anymore. It's just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself.”
-Deborah Reber

We don't have any control over our Exes.

If they want to leave, we have no power to hold them back.

All we can do is to accept, let go, heal and aspire to be a better person.

Moving On Quote #11:

“Letting go has never been easy, but holding on can be as difficult. Yet strength is measured not by holding on, but by letting go.”
-Len Santos

What is easier, holding on or letting go?

Moving On Quote #12:

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself ‘I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”
-Eleanor Roosevelt

This is the only way to overcome fears:

First by doing and facing what you fear and then by gaining the confidence that no matter what comes your way, you can handle it!

I hope you've enjoyed the 12 quotes about moving on after a break up and that you've found some inspiration and help to do the most vital step in your recovery process:

To let go and move on.

Your friend,
Eddie Corbano

  • thank you so much everyone. This website is really very helpful

  • I have to let go and move on, I know I have. It is tough cause I don't he loves me ( even though he dumped me) and I still love him. We have fighted for so many years to be together, we had a special relationship, I think I would never be so close to someone in my life. Besides I'm 35 and I have no strengh or time to start again to find a partner, being a mum is something I have already dismiss. Therefore the only thing I can do is forget, I just want to forget, I don't care if I'm not going to be happy anymore, honestly as far as I am healthy and my family is all right and I have a job that allows me being independent I will be fine. It sounds like I saying “NO” to life, well is not exactly that. I'm saying “fine” to life, I will live cause I like to live and sometimes you have fun and it is lovely to go to the beach and lie under the sun. But I am not really excited about this precious thing that everybody say is love and life. I find life extremely tough and not easy to handle at all. I can not understand why we human beings have to go through all this suffering, what's the point of it? We are going to die anyway.
    Sorry for being so negative but that is what I feel. If I do ever feel again as happy as I used to be with him I will come back to this site and I will let you know. Best wishes.

  • reading this has given me some insight on starting to let go of the pain. i am still hurt because i felt the eight year relationship i had was perfect. i didn't know that there were problems. but after reading some of the quotes i feel a little better.Thanks

  • Thank you Eddie, it's just what I needed today. My heart is calmer now and my spirit stronger. I will face the challenges life has for me in a positive way. I will heal and open myself like a flower to welcome love again into my life!

  • I broke up with my gf again yesterday after having done this for the first time three weeks ago. She is dealing with so much right now after being newly sober and out of rehab now for 90 days. I tthought I could forgive her for lying to me about her drug addiction, I thought I could move forward and support her and hold her hand while she attended 12 step meetings and making all of her newfound sober friends it just wasn’t working.
    I saw where she was incapable of being honest with herself and my insecurities and hurt from the shock of finding out about her vicodin habit for two yrs is still very real.
    She continue to lie about stupid little things regarding her job, but she doesn;t see where that makes me uneasy that someday again soon she will lie to me again.

    I ache so bad because I felt I was so there for her and never loved any woman the way I loved her. I know she is toxic and in need of finding herself right now and I need to let go- but I am taking things so incredibly personal.

    I am beside myself and no matter how many quotes I read here- I am still so sad.

    • KevinB

      Let go of all your aggresive feelings towards her it will never help in healing your heart, my ex-husband lie to me in every single thing every single thing and who can lie to you about small things will never be honest even about their feelings, think of it in this way at least you did you best in this relation you were loyal and honest with her, but she missed up so she is the one who lost you as a person not you. Move on and remeber one thing what doesnt kill you just make you stronger.

  • Thank you…this was helpful to me. Right now I feel terrible….words cant describe. It feels as if I’m going to hurt forever, but your words gives me a little hope that one day I will be ok again.

  • StayStrong says:

    Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.

    I was reading a lot of your posts and feel that this holds true for a lot of us here. We try to mend what is already too broken to fix or we just hurt ourselves in the process because we want to make it work so bad that at the end we already hit that delete button a long time ago but we didnt realize it. Or we just didnt want to see it. I feel all of your pain and i can relate. But there is light at the end of it. Healing is a long and drawn process but its how we deal with it thats important. Its getting there and the road we traveled on that is worth it and gives substance to our lives…. day by day is all we can do. And if we have tried to mend something that is already broken place a bandaid over it and learn from it thats all… its ok to try and to think your head it will be ok if i do this or that, sometimes its just not going to happen. And that in itself is hard to live with. But we are here living and breathing, urging ourselves to get over it.. but dont rush it, take it as it comes. Its a part of life and we will be ok soon. Recovery like anything takes time and we need to do it right.. do what our heart feels. Remember our hearts are broken too and our mind is at a state where it can go one way or another, mind over matter. Be strong everyone, we are going through the storm but it will clear soon.

  • Moving on says:


    Hang in there. We’re certainly not alone in all this. Reading all the blogs has been a guiding force in my healing process. Along with talking to family and friends. I’m even thinking of buying a break up book to make sure that I do everething right and that there’ll be no left over garbage that I could pass on to my next relationship (whenever that happens). I’m sure when I’m ready, the right one will come along.

    PS, I love Quote no. 2

    • christina says:

      tina, there is a good book called its called a break-up because its broken, By Gerg behrendt and Amiira Rutola- Berhrnedt. Funny and you can relate. Good luck Im also in a moving on process, and I take it one day at atime. Coz its really hard.

  • i broke up with my boyfriend of 4 years because he decided to go on a trip with another woman (my friend as well) i felt it disrespected our relationship- It is not that I didn’t trust him- I just needed him to know that it would hurt me if he went- He disregarded my feelings and decided that this trip was more important than our relationship- ouch it hurts so bad- i think i am still in shock over is supposed to be selfless right? i don’t think he was capable of loving me like i loved him..

  • Thank you, this page is helping me to try and see things from a more positive and hopeful perspective. I’m in a lot of pain right now but some of these quotes are going to help in the time to come.

  • Moving on says:

    @Neo CM
    Sadly, that’s how break ups could be. Perfect one day, broken the next. My husband and I had a magical day celebrating our 3rd wedding anniversary. The next day, everything went haywire!

    I guess, we all have a lot to learn from our experiences. This is a time for self discovery, for taking a good hard look at ourselves, what we did wrong, how we could improve. That’s not to say that we should blame ourselves. Rather, realise that it takes two to tango and that one way or another, we contributed to the situation. We have to approach it from a positive perspective, learn from it and move on, without the blame and the guilt.

    Most importantly, learn from it and use that knowledge in our next relationship… Then, the whole thing wasn’t such a waste…

  • I had to initiate a break up with an amazing women that I care for greatly. Although highly compatible in many ways, I just could not see her as “the one” for some reason and I could not commit. On the other hand, she was genuinely committed to me, totalling accepting of the many peculiarities and faults I have, and eager to support me in so many ways. I fully believe she was very much in love with me.

    And I feel AWFUL. ABSOLUTELY AWFUL. I feel like I CAN’T just make the decision to move on…I feel guilty that I led her on…perpetuated the relationship unecessarily. And I feel that her emotion must somehow be repsected, acknowledged, redeemed…That it can’t just be there unreciprocated.

    And now I feel distrustful. I see how someone can feel so strongly, give so much…and be willing to give so much, and then someone like me doesn’t give back. Is this what I face in my next relationship? And our relationship had great intensity (perhaps not consistency).How does one go from there – to someone else – or nothing? Can anyone count on loyalty? commitment? a feeling of long-term security? dare I say “forever”. How can breakups just be one day, together, the next day, no contact?

    hard for me to process…

    • I am the woman in your story. I knew from the beginning that there was something wrong; that he never had that desperation for me that I had for him. I never had that wonderful feeling that he thought life would be unbearable without me…but there were times we had fun, or thoughtful conversations, a sometimes good physical relationship…but there were times he would become enraged for what seemed like no reason, when he criticized everything about me, when he was suspicious of every step I took. Yet I was shocked and so hurt when one morning, a regular morning like so many others, he walked through the house, didn't really even stop to look at me, and said, “We're not going to be together anymore. I'll always love you but I can't be with you.” What? Was I hearing things? But I knew but didn't want to know. I had gone many years without “true love,” and I placed every moment of my life in the belief that we would be together. I've done the most incredible things…called him until he had his numbers changed, emailed with messages ranging from pathetic attempts to make him jealous to spilling my heartfelt dreams for him to stare at coldly. I found myself getting charged with dwi on my way to meet him for the last time. I have been doing my job without any concern for what may happen if I were no longer employed. I neglected my house, my family, even my wonderful dog! (which he said I would have to give up if we were ever going to be together) I'll go along for a couple of months and think things are better and then something, anything, nothing will put his face in my sight and I become insane again…emailing, trying to find his number, etc. It's terrible. I hope as I've never hoped for anything to find the steps to take to destroy this sickness that is destroying my hopes, wishes, energy and has wasted so much of my time. Thank you.

      • elle,
        Looks like u are wonderfull person and u gave everything waht man needed to feel himself special…but he does not deserve it….dont feel sad for such people..u will surely meet someone who is meant for u…but make ur life painfull by running after him…Its hard..but i guess,its for ur own good…

    • Honestly, not sure how you feel know after already one month after the break-up, but have you try to find out why you couldn't commit to that amazing woman? I don't understand people who say they love someone and don't fight to save the relationship unless they don't really love that person enough and hence they are liying to theirselves. Hope you have found the way to process this. It would be very helpful to hear about your moving on cause I'm somehow in the same situation as you are.

  • these are all amazing and helpful;
    thank you so much 🙂

  • @steven – Actually, their working on a pill now, that triggers the chemical reaction in the brain that cause love and heartache.

    “An American neuroscientist named Larry Young, of the Emory University School of Medicine, is operating under the theory that love is a chemical state like any other, and can be controlled as such. His research into prairie voles has shown that lifelong mating can be triggered, prolonged or even blocked by altering the level of certain chemicals in their brains. By injecting various levels of oxytocin into a female prairie vole’s brain, Young was able to get the animal–a notoriously, fiercely monogamous creature–to immediately drop her current lifelong mate and bond, just as permanently, to the nearest male instead. In addition to officially using science for the saddest thing ever (crushing the hearts of adorable rodents), Young has also stumbled onto something potentially world-changing, because oxytocin has already shown similar effects in human patients.”

    I know exactly how you feel though. The pain WILL go away, and depending on your level of mental control and positivity, it could die away in a matter of weeks( not saying that you’ll be healed in weeks, but the pain will become tolerable).

    Theres this martial arts training called “the iron shirt” and what it is, is every 20 minutes(or how ever long the training calls for) someone will hit(and i mean hit) the trainee across the chest with a broom stick. The first time it’s done, The trainee would scream in pain, rolling on the ground, dreading the next time this has to happen. But when the trainer goes to hit him, in the last 20 mins of his training, the trainee doesn’t even budge. It’s not that it doesn’t cause pain, he just got used to it.

    this analogy got me through the first couple weeks. After that i started to use positive affirmations to deal with the negative thoughts. When these negative feelings( which you can’t ignore, you have to face them and deal with them) got intense, which they will sometimes, i would saying things to myself like, ” I am stronger than these feelings” and it would give me the strength to carry on through my day, and then when the time was right, deal with those feelings and emotions.

    • Hi Kevin,

      The “Iron Shirt” analogy is very interesting, thanks for sharing.


  • hey steven, i was in a very similar situation about 2 years ago. i know that empty feeling all too well and remember the months i spent struggling to figure out what went wrong.

    hope you feel better!

  • Everything was ok in my relationship; I don’t why my instinct tells me that something was wrong, the difficult part is that he’s planning for our wedding and I can’t tell him that I’m no longer happy on the relationship.
    It hurts me so much just to think that I’ll hurt him because I love him so much but I know and I can feel deep inside that I’m not the right girl for him, he just settle on me for convenience because he needs me in his business and I’m the one who is always available when he needs help as in when he needs care of a girlfriend. Really love hurts.

  • I love all these quotes. Now, 11 months after the break up, I am feeling better than ever and believing every single quote. I sometimes wonder if true love is really out there, but I also have nothing to worry: I’m 20 years old, and have a whole life in front of me. Life is what you make of it, and I think that all the heart ache really has a purpose: Development, and also Rationality: remember that there are always worse things than what happend to you. If people can survive horrible things as death, diseases etc, you can survive a break up.

    I especially love this one:

    “Watching you walk out of my life does not make me bitter or cynical about love. But rather makes me realize that if I wanted so much to be with the wrong person how beautiful it will be when the right one comes along.”

    At this point, I am excited to meet TRUE love, not the kinda love I had with my ex.

    Thanks so much for these inspiring quotes!

  • I especially connect with #11; I used SO much energy trying to hold onto my relationship, denying my instincts for the sake of a temporary happiness. I was miserable, but because I loved him, I thought it was worth the pain. Now I know better; I’m doing a hell of a lot better without him, and now I won’t let anyone hold me back from what I want to do in life. This is such a helpful website, it is exactly what I needed to help me through my breakup.

    • I totally agree with you i would always make excuses for him but deep down i knew that i was lying to myself and he would soon leave me and thats exactly what happened i felt like i was nothing i mean i gave him all of me i neglected school friends for him whem he was sad i felt sad now looking back i realise how stupid i was i stopped calling him which was so difficult and made him realise that he needed me not the other way around now he s calling saying he feels lonley i talk to him but im not thinking about getting back together cause my life is way better without him and its really his lost not mine

      • im going through the same thing right now – just broke up a couple days ago. im always the one trying to make things better and begging for another chance – however, i think deep down, i also knew it was over.. i guess it just takes time for me to admit that i am no longer in love with this person..

  • Yeah, go through this website, it has helped me so much, you all have no idea!!! I was in so much pain but now with the help of Eddie and his website i see this completely different, as something positve, life is too short, lets enjoy it to the fullest!!! to those who left us; then i guess we have to thank them for having taught us a lesson in love and most importantly about ourselves.

  • Hi, I split up with my girlfriend a week ago now and I’m just really struggling with that empty feeling I seem to get in my stomach! I so badly have the urge to want to contact her and try to work things out but this has conflict with my other thoughts like….I want her to come to me if she cares. It’s mad. I can’t stop thinking about where I went wrong. I try and think of the things that make me not want to be with her to try and ease my intense feelings of wanting her again but this is short lived. She so stubborn! She never could say sorry! I tried to love her but it didn’t change anything. Hurt and hurt. Even if she did love me and wanted to be with me she won’t ring me because she’s that prideful! I wish there was a pill you could take that would ease the pain antil you felt you didn’t need it anymore! Sorry if this comment seems mad and confusing! Love hurts!

    • Teri in VA, USA says:

      I know what you are feeling. We’ve all been through the same thing. The only part that is hard is getting over someone. If someone loves you – REALLY loves you – they would not be able to stay one second away from you!! No matter how mad they are…

      My husband and I fought one time, and I didn’t see him for 8 hours… He called me and we made a deal to never get that mad, and leave, ever again. And we didn’t. We were together for 10 years until he crashed in his jet… (Military fighter pilot) So, whenever it doesn’t work out with someone, I KNOW there is another person out there that would never let me suffer alone. Ever. Just keep moving on until you find the one that will fight for you.

      It’s hard getting over a break up, and/or realizing it just won’t work out. I’m going through that right now… So, every time you think of this person, replace it with a thought of what you will do with the next person you go out with. Make mental plans, do anything, but don’t think of the other person. If you are religious, then every time you think of that person, start praying…. It’s hard at first, but if you let your mind control your thoughts, then it will drive you insane!! Read, or listen to “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle. He gives you the tools you need to help you take control of your thoughts. I didn’t realize how powerful my thoughts were, and how they were driving me nuts! One of the secrets is this….just stop and listen to the mind as it talks, and it will go away…

      Get out, and get some exercise, too. I’m here if you need me. sleeplessn2010 at yahoo/dot/com

      Good luck.


      • love does hurt. I was with a man I thought he was amazing. in all honesty when we started dating I was not inlove with him but I gave it a chance. we later made future plans to be together so that we could raise his two kids and my son. about four months we started to fight a lot but we would always make a way to get over that. but then he slowly changed , started making plans on his own and contacting his ex. last week I found out he has been sleeping with his ex, worse thing is that they had unprotected sex and the lady might be pregnant. I saw messages that showed they are planning to leave together. when I confronted him about it he said its my fault that it happened , that I never acknowledge his efforts. I apologized to him for taking him for granted but that did not changed. Now he says he is now longer sure if he wants to marry me but loves me, so I should give him 2 weeks to make up his mind. tell what kind of man cheats and then has re-think about being with him. this morning I decided that I am leaving because I don’t understand if a person can take 2 weeks to decide to be with you. I think I made a good choice leaving him but my heart aches like hell and I wish someone can just cut it out and return it when it feels better

        • HI Max,
          well done you. I wish I had your courage. I still suffering and living with someone who does not live me anymore. And I do not have the courage to go away. I am feeling so bad that sometimes I think I am going crazy…

    • Hi. Last week the day after valitines day my gf told me out of no where she fell out of love with me . I was confused I asked when did this start. She said 6 months ! I was very sad confused upset , I didn’t know what was going out , anyways after she told me I was very upset and just said please leave. We didnt talk for about 5 days, those 5 days we didn’t talk she was going out until 5 am doing god knows what. I know she used me for a good 6 months, we dated for 2 years. It breaks my heart terribly that I always thought we would always be togather. I love her so deeply. I can’t get her off my mind. Even though there’s a good chance she left me for another guy I still care about her. I miss her. I feel like everything’s my fault . I can’t sleep, eat. I can’t be happy. I feel broken . Iv never been this depressed , I feel like it will never get better. I try talking to her going to her house, calling, texting. She just ignores me and it hurts me so much. I miss cuddeling and kissing her , I wish I could go back in time and just never stoped forgetting to show her love. She was my best friend my girlfriend I wanted to put a ring on her. She made me so happy. I don’t see how I can just fall out of love with her when she’s all I want. I really don’t know what to do with my self anymore. 🙁

      • Dont worry I went through this this past 10months. I know it doesnt feel good right now. but you must do your brest to move forward. I was with my x for 4 years, she betrayed me then had me secretly thrown out of our apt. I was homeless this past year. But Ive slowly been bouncing back. You have to fight and not give up on yourself. Some people are just that evil. Ive had to recongnize this and swallow this hard truth. Keep moving forward

    • My b-friend and i broke up a week ago and i feel the same way as you do !! Love does hurt ! No joke

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