I love inspirational quotes.
Especially broken heart quotes.
I find them very useful for our recovery – they help us realize what is important and in which direction our recovery should go.
Also, they motivate us, showing us that we are not alone, that throughout all history of humanity we have been fighting the same problems, overcoming obstacles, getting stronger and thriving by going through the pain.
I've posted quite a few inspirational quotes over the years, but there are two quotes that I've always held high regarding helping people to heal and giving them strength to carry on.
They particularly stand out due to their direct message and usefulness for going through the recovery.
The first quote is from the bestselling author John Greene.
What I like about this quote is that it reminds us how important it is to acknowledge that the pain is there and that it's there because our partner mattered to us.
We must actively decide to go THROUGH the pain. Trying to ignore it – or worse, numb it with painkillers, drugs or alcohol – will only self-sabotage our healing process.
There are ways to minimize the pain and suffering during the healing process, but it's important to decide to go through it.
The second quote reminds us that we have to stay true to ourselves.
It is so easy to lose yourself in love.
It is so easy to forget who we really are. What we love, what we strive for, what fulfills us.
(MORE: How To Re-Discover Your Identity After A Relationship Split)
When we put our partner as the focus of our lives and interests, we lose something special. And we also destabilize the relationship as a side-effect.
The relationship is only as strong as the weakest part of it. The more emotionally self-sufficient each partner is, the stronger the relationship.
NEVER forget that you are special too. Never lose your dreams and never stop nurturing the person you are.
That's what these quotes are all about.
That you should always stay true to yourself and that you acknowledge that YOU are special.
Please never forget that.
Your friend,
Eddie Corbano
Like from the movies he came as a prince charming to rescue me …
…..and u’ll be writing like me and helping others … I am positive now about falling in love again …and I have learnt a lot from my past therfore will be careful henceforth …even if it doesn’t work its alright …there’s always a next time … its like u need to kiss a thousand frogs to get ur prince /princess …. c’mon now get off and go out … change urself …groom urself … be grateful to lord for what you have today ….nothings over yet…dunt ruin ur health …There are others who love you … and now I am in the list …. I LOVE YOU … very very verrrrrrrrrrryyyyyy much ! … :* :* do u feel my embrace ? …
yeah I know I am cuddly ..hehee….n so are u !
… See u still have that charm …ur still so lovable to others … ummmm I need to feed d pigeons now so gotta go …dey are waiting to get food and even though we dunt understand each oder every morning dey r there ..waiting for me to feed them … dey stay for sometime after that too …now dats love !… magical isn’t it?! … it took time for them to get used to me but it’s an awesome feeling … pets are really warm and loving …I swear !… okay now toodles honey ! Love u loads …hugs and kisses :* :* … keep smiling …ur beautiful /handsome . Muuuah!
When I was experiencing troubles at home … i.e. when my mom and dad were getting separated .I have two younger siblings… financially unstable and had to move out of that state to study further so that I can be able enough in future to support my family . A complete different place …New people and away from family when we needed each other the most …but my mother thought about the future and let me go..it was her decision … One fine day ..dis utterly charming guy came by and loved me for what I was … made promises and told me he was happy that I am emotionally so strong … days ..months went by and I felt stronger than never before..I had someone who loves me made me a persin who could face all adversities with ease … I was a changed “me”…ever since the troubles at home I had forgotten how to laugh , live and enjoy … just when things began to fall in place …he stopped calling …or texting. .. I tried my best ( the best I could ) … it didn’t work … he did not break up with me … he decided to leave it just like that without answering to my questions… that’s the worst … when I followed him up on social sites I wud see him happy and with no regrets whatsoever. .. I felt happy seeing him happy but cudnt take the fact that I dunt have his love ..anymore … All those post brkup things followed and lord ! It was bad ..pathetic … nothing …nothing made sense … I was so angry with myself … wud just sit and find faults about myself all day long …not eat …get up at night and cry and cry … it went on for months, then an year… one day suddenly out of nowhere it vanished. .. I chose and tried to move on … it might be unrealistic for some ppl but it helped me discover me … how much I had changed after a brkup. .. I was more patient as a person …understood things more properly … its like when ur grief-stricken u tend to see others pain and help them overcome it … that helped …I realised how much I had lost … that little magic was nothing but the feeling of gratitude towards that person ( bcoz he made me realise how much powerful I can become when i am loving ) so y not channelise the love elsewhere … it hurts ..till today it hurts … I do cry but not like how I used today … The change in me now is I dunt long for him anymore … I cry becoz he didn’t love me back as I thought he did and fell in love with someone whom I thought him to be…I realised I have to love and live for ppl who matter to me and who are still der and need me … I fell in love eventually with someone else ..But again he was already in love with another girl … dis time I knew how to have control over my emotions…I was okay in sometime …so u see one can evolve from a bad breakup ….also I have realised …that’s it’s a myth that u cannot fall in love more than once… and when that happens and clicks …nothing like it ! …Rem the time with ur ex ??!!…only d good times!!…believe me, it is btr the next time …u feel so good and liberated … just becoz some jerk left u …u cannot let love go…its an emotion , wonderful emotion. ..like how mom or dad loves us … save it ..treasure it … and it will do wonders when ur with that special person … “We are survived by people whom we love ( i’ll take my mom and my sisters name here ) …people who matter to us and those who love us back” .. continue to love ur self …ur still brilliant …ur not shattered ..u have just let urself get bruised like when we get hurt when we play …allow it to heal…cry…cry ur heart out …Please apply d “no contact” rule ..It is the most vital and awesome thing you could do to urself …and then like I got my “one day ” you shall too !
Thank you for this. I so needed it
all the stories change my mind give me an inspiration to do well and move on ……… dont think about the one who doesnt cares about u for a single moment ……..
The quotes are very helpful. I wish i could get over with my pains so soon
It’s been about 2months now since i broke up with my guy, but it’s still heavy.i’m still crying. I needed to let him go, even if i loved him cause that’s the best for us. I had to do it.
Dear Eddie,
Thank you so much for your quote.
It really helps me along this process.
I have all these feelings because I am going through the aftermath of my break up.
I broke up with him 6 days ago because I had too. I had been more than a month of much less texting and calling. His texts were really cold and our phone calls (once a week) were brief and heartless. I cried so much, I could not/cannot function. I could not understand why I was being treated like this.
After about 35 days, 5 “talks”, 5 times hearing his promises of trying to call I realized that I could force him to be with me, I could not convince him that I love him and we could be a great couple. I also learned that I could not compromise on my well-being in a relationship so I gave him what he wanted, I told him what he could no tell me.
It does not make me feel any better. It hurts so much. I love him, I want him by my side again but I cannot be the only one doing the work. I love him so much.
Thanks Eddie, again great material for all of us to see and learn and grow from.I was just to Mexico with friends and kind of found myself laughing and doing things that I use to love to do.I did have a melt down one night when talking to a divorce lawyer who was Mexican and on his third wife-He told me to always have hope and that he himself has seen a lot of grief,and people hurting each other.
I am getting better,feeling better its 10 months now since I had had any contact-
I vow to stay true to me and start living and dating again,
cheers and a big thanks and it was wonderful hearing your voice! what is your accent?it was like you were right here with me–saying that I mattered and would be ok,
What you do for all the heartbroken is amazing–huge huge thanks and blessings to you and your loved one Brenda
Thanks Ed…great quotes
Hi, Eddie, hi everybody,
it is so inspirational to read these great quotes and true life break-up stories. I also had similar experiences and a very bad breakup but at the end it was like described in this quote: “Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.” Mary Oliver
The sad and happy truth at the same time is that we learn from everything in life, even from the most traumatic experiences, and sometimes it takes years to realize that this break up was the best thing that happened to you. Very nice reading. Thank you!
Thanks Gina for your post!!
Its been six months since I left the relationship. I did not even tell him good bye, I just said I needed time to reflect on my priorities. This was after he emotionally abused me, making me feel so inferior and being so condescending to me. I never cleaned well enough, wasn’t prayerful enough, didn’t dress good etc The last conversation I had with him was me begging him to make it work and him telling me that he resents me. And here we are 6 months later, have a good job, moved to another state, meeting new people. I am not where I should be but definitely I am not where I was. Eddie was a life saver and I took the 60days challenge and after 2 months, I realized there was nothing to say really and I have moved on!
Gina-the pain for me has subsided a lot to the point I really don’t care about him but once in a while I feel bitter because I let so many bad things from him just slide.
Stacey–Listen to ‘Nothing’ by the script–its a nice song–you will get through this, its painful, very painfull, but this too shall pass– I do wish you the very best and sending blessings to you!!
Wishing everyone who is going through a heartbreak, peace and blessings—it will get better–apply the no contact rule.
Almost 7 months ago i broke up with my boyfriend after a relationship of 3 and a half years. I was devasted and cried everyday. I was thinking that the pain would never go away. I read blogs and articles about breakup, but nothing was helping really. Well all of a sadden i woke up one day and the pain was gone. It’s one week now that i can’t express how happy i feel with my life. I don’t know how this happed. If i survived from this, then everyone can survive because believe me i though this WOULD NEVER stop. I had a very bad break up, with my ex having fun with his new girlfriend and me crying all alone. These quotes are soo real! For many months i was trying to forget him and freeze the pain. But no! When i started to let myself feel the pain with no shame , then i started to feel much better. Feel tha pain for as much you want! Take your time! Secondly, please do things about yourself. I know you dont even have the apetite to eat or even sleep. I know it’s hard! But get up from your bed and do things for yourself. Be the best version of yourself. And when you will see the difference in you, your life etc you will feel AWSOME! These things will force you to feel very good!!! And in the end, you will realize that you deserve the best man/woman out there. I feel for everyone who is going through this tough road. It will pass, that’s for sure! I give my love to all of you! You’re not alone and you will never be

p.s: sorry for my bad english , love from italy.
Thank you.
Hi Gina,
You sound so encouraging and I am very glad that you have came so far. I have just completed my 60 days on 11-10-13. Please keep this inspiration going on.
I once lose muself too,but after I read this I realize that I am not missing her,I miss the person i though she was,I evn frgt muself’s worth while I was wth her,Everything was all about,mu input ddn’t matter to her.I dont go for look this cause look deceive me.Soon I ll be back when I am ready cause I dont fall inlove whn I lonely,I fall whn I am ready.
Your post really inspired me and gives me hope
Thank you for sharing your experience with us, and for being so brave and moving on from that relationship and hard break-up. You are an inspiration to me and I really hope to be where you are at soon.
Thank you!!! Hugs!
Thanks Gina
I suppose it’s hard when feeling in low from a breakup for quotes like these to matter, But logically they make all the sense all in the world, it’s just difficult to see through the smokescreen after a tough breakup. Thanks for sharing.
Nice posting Ed
thank you
Thank you for the quotes. The information is true. I did loose myself. Now I am trying to find who I was before my ex came along. I am SPECIAL TOO! I am dating too, but nothing serious. Just having FUN.
Well the quotes were helpful I wish I would have had them yesterday. Once again I let my guard down and became used as a rebound girl as the guys still spoke with his ex. This went on for three months and I allowed myself to be used, he may have acted nice with dinners, money, etc but I guess I was being bought all along. ITs not that I didnt know about the ex, but he told me he wouldnt go back with her and sure enough he did twice in the last 3 month period. It all got ugly because she contacted me and I allowed the nonsense to occur. Am I that desperate for love that I will allow myself to be used and abused, or am I just bored with life and searching for entertainment. This has been going on for over 23 years with me I choose guys that lie and hurt me over and over, I wish I knew how to stop this vicious cycle but I just keep doing it over and over.
ohh god, i always felt this but,when preseented so beautifully in your words ,its really great feeling to read this…makes lot of sense and world needs this..appreciate eddie…great one.tnx
Good morning Eddie,
It’s early here but I wanted to say you always come through for me at the right time. It’s been almost 80 days of NC for me and I thought I was doing ok. We only have business contact. I am so emotionally tired Eddie. I’ve done the work, changed my focus, joined the gym, even got my poems finally published. But here I sit in a ball of tears. Thank you for the quotes. It means so much.