Let me tell you this right away – I’m not a fan of pick up lines. I don’t even like the term.
But … there is one big dilemma in dating life for women:
You see a guy that you have a crush on right across the room, only 16 feet away from you in a club/cafe/bookstore.
How do you meet him and come across as a confident, strong woman?
You have to approach him and say something profound that will get his attention.
That’s what people often call “pick up lines for girls,” (as ugly as this phrase may sound).
I know, I know. .. the prevailing opinion is – if the girl is hot, smart and confident, all she needs to do is make eye contact, and guys will approach her.
Oh, come on.
What if she’s NOT hot, (by beauty magazine standards) – only smart and confident?
And what if all the guys around her are too scared to approach, (this is very common actually)?
What to do then?
YOU have to approach.
But, what are good “conversation openers” for women?
First know this: I am a man.
So, in order to find the perfect pick up lines for girls, (let’s use this phrase anyway) – ones that will actually work – all I have to do is flip through the thick book of my past dating life and remember the times when girls picked me up, and how they did it.
(Well, actually they rarely succeeded.)
But to be honest, I got approached by girls a lot, (now my wife doesn't let them).
What was so unique about the approaches that actually caught my attention?
Were there magical pick up lines for girls that instantly won me over?
I know what you are thinking.
Let me tell you one thing right away: it was definitely NOT always her looks alone.
It's not all about beauty.
It was a combination of body language, overall appearance, the first words (pick up line) AND if the looks met MY personal preferences, (in that order).
To pick ME up, all you have had to do is be confident, smart and have the ability to surprise me with your first words.
Easy … or not?
You can't do anything about personal preferences of other men, but you can work on your confidence, which in turn gives your appearance a natural beauty, as well as your overall skills with men.
I would like to give you some suggestions for some good pick up lines for girls, (the ones that I personally consider useful, and that would without a doubt get MY personal attention).
You can achieve two things with these.
1. You can make a great first impression, (a critical thing to do)
2. You can make the first step in a confident and uncommon way
So let’s start right away with the five best pick up lines for girls that actually work:
1. “I have to go now, but you look very interesting. Drop me a line if you have time – here's my email”
This is really a bummer. If this line was delivered with a confident smile I would definitely get in touch.
The secret with this line is making it confidently clear that you mean it, as most guys will think that this is some “candid camera” situation.
When I was approached this way, I was completely caught off guard, (in a positive way), and all I could do was to stammer, “I will.”
That girl is still one of my best friends until this day.
2. “I never do this, but I think you’re cute and I got tired of waiting for you to talk to me.”
This is kind of a classic and a slight variation of #1, only a little riskier.
Be sure to spot some interest before you approach.
3. “Can I sit with you so I won't get hit on?”
This is actually very subtle on a psychological level.
How can a man resist a damsel in distress who is asking for his raw manpower to protect her?
This will work if you open up and show some interest during the conversation. Don’t wait for the man to get active.
4. “Wow, that’s a cool [insert something cool the guy is wearing]. Where’d you get it?”
Now, this is tricky.
It has to be an item the man cares about, (maybe a technical gadget?).
If you point out something he is wearing and he doesn’t care about it, this won’t work.
Choose something the average man gets enthusiastic about.
5. “Hi, what’s your name?”
So simple and yet so effective.
A “low risk” pick up line for girls. Just don’t forget: confidence and eye contact are crucial here.
So those were the five most successful pick up lines for girls from when I was dating – and which still work today.
Are there any in there that you are willing to try?
Are you getting warm to the idea of breaking these chains that have been holding you back, and start looking more actively for the right partner?
Before you try one of them, understand that there isn’t such a thing as a magical phrase to say to a man where you will immediately win him over.
It isn’t about the words you say. It’s about subliminal messages you send with body language and confidence.
You send out the message that you don’t care about social boundaries when it comes to dating.
I want you to go out there and try.
Don't be afraid, most of the time the guy will be flattered when he is approached and caught off guard.
This moment of “weakness” will give you the opportunity to win him over with your intelligence and personality.
You can check out my article about how to approach a man, and I wholeheartedly recommend that you read a good book about understanding how men think.
Have you already tried a good pick up line on men?
Or have you found a better way to approach a man you have a crush on? Please share in the comment section below.
Your friend,
Eddie Corbano
Using 2&3 the next time I’m out. Super helpful post.
I wish you were my big toe……..then I would bang you on every piece of furniture at my house
Young single male here… was just surfing the blog, enjoying a night off. Let me tell you… I would have trouble saying no to at least a coffee date or an email conversation with any of these five. It would blow my mind if a young woman were to try these, even if we both knew she was doing it in advance. Nothing shows confidence, interest, and attraction like progressive gender roles in today’s society. Girls, please, for our sake, give it a shot!
wow!! this is really, really, pretty cool! it really works!! thanks eddie
Well..I did the first one a couple of years ago…And the only response I got in my email was “You are a sl@t”..Hahahahaha! Obviously it had nothing to do with the approach itself, but the character of the man, if he is at least a little open-minded. (greek men are a little macho)
I would prefer the 5ft idea, because it’s simple and you have the chance to talk for a while and see what he is about, before initiating the contact in the next level.
What does it mean when a girl texts you about 15 mins after a date and says “It was a pleasure, and thanks”? Is that a good thing?
I can mean anything, impossible to say…