The Number 1 Tip To Survive The Holidays After A Break-Up

Survive The Holidays After A Break-Up

Everybody who has ever suffered through a break-up knows that the holidays are, by far, the toughest time of the year. Everybody around you is happy and celebrating.

What YOU have are happy memories and the certainty that everything will be different this year. That’s why you have to take an alternative approach, getting our of your comfort-zone by following my number 1 tip to help you survive this years holidays.

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The One Thing You Must Do After You Bump Into Your Ex

After You Bump Into Your Ex

What would you do if you bumped into your Ex? What would you say? What would you do? This is one of the most feared events in your recovery.

But you are not helpless, there is something you can do. I’ve listed some guidelines showing what to do and what to avoid should it happen… and the ONE important thing you MUST do right after.

Please read on.

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