“You don’t know what love is
Until you’ve learned the meaning of the blues
Until you’ve loved a love you’ve had to lose
You don’t know what love is.” —Chet Baker
There I was. Lying on the floor, hopelessly heartbroken, wishing to die.
I had given up on myself.
Then the phone rang.
By answering it, my life took a weird turn.
In the months that followed, I got over her in no time. I also defeated my life-long fears, my self-imposed obstacles, and my childhood issues and destroyed all my false beliefs.
I went through a change. A change that made me who I am today.
Despite what you might think about your personal situation at the moment, YOU can do it too.
No matter your age, your circumstances, nor how long ago your breakup was.
If you want to break free from your Ex-Addiction and create lasting change, the following is what you have to do.
Rescued in the Last Second
As you probably know, a breakup usually starts with a period of paralyzing shock that turns into helplessness and deep grief.
What follows is an everlasting emotional roller-coaster with no clear way out.
That’s exactly where I was nearly 17 years ago when she left me two weeks before our wedding.
I’d gone from a loving relationship to gut-wrenching pain in minutes.
At that time, I would’ve sold my soul to make this pain go away.
The phone call came not a minute too early.
Because it's this lack of perspective and the loneliness that slowly kills you.
I didn’t want to answer the phone at first. But the caller was persistent.
“Let’s have a chat,” the voice said when I finally crawled to the phone. “I heard that you are having a hard time. I want to help.”
The next day, I sat across this person, who turned out to be a relative I hadn’t seen in over 10 years.
And as we sat in a small, smoky café, my eyes were opened and new life was breathed into me.
A Decision You Must Also Make
He started by telling me his personal story. He described all the pain he had endured years ago.
I felt ashamed, as my experience seemed so insignificant compared to his.
He told me the most horrible breakup story that I had ever heard, even to this day (and I deal with breakup victims daily):
He was innocently thrown in jail, robbed of every penny he ever owned, agonized and abandoned by his narcissist wife, and had no place to go (when he got out).
A nightmare.
One night, he was sitting there in his cell, surrounded by fear, hate, and violence.
What did he do?
He made the decision whether he wanted to live or die.
And that was the very first step that ultimately saved him.
He told me:
“At the beginning of every recovery, there’s the decision. Will I allow this to go on forever, or do I try to do something about it? The problem is that we can get addicted to the suffering … up until it becomes our identity.”
I never saw it that way.
For me, it just felt like being caught in quicksand: Every attempt to break free would just suck me in even deeper.
Had I been addicted to the pain?
What Made the Difference for Me
He then told me something that changed it all for me.
When I heard it, I instantly MADE the decision that I WANTED to get over her … I wanted to LIVE again.
He said:
“Why do you think that SHE is responsible for your happiness?”
I could almost feel my brain starting to re-wire itself and the fog lifting.
I instantly understood that this was part of the decision:
Taking responsibility for your own happiness and recovery.
The first step was made.
The Prerequisite for the Secrets to Work
“So, what should I do next? How do I get over her fast?” I asked him.
Now that I understood, I didn't want to repeat the same mistakes I had been my whole life.
Then the real magic happened.
He told me his three secrets that enabled him to endure the jail time, re-build his life outside, leave it all behind, and raise a new family.
Wow, I thought, if he did ALL this, after everything he went through, he really MUST know what he’s talking about.
So, I listened.
I’ve already told you that the essential first step is to make the decision that you WANT to heal.
The decision that you …
- WANT to change the “what is.”
- WANT to stop the pain.
- WANT to break the addiction to your Ex.
- WANT to move on without them.
- WANT to be your real “self.”
If you don’t make this decision, then all the following steps and secrets are useless.
Even if you follow them strictly, you will always fall back.
I made the decision the second that what he had told me sank into my brain. Even if that meant losing her for good.
I was ready for what followed.
The 3 Secrets How To Get Over A Breakup
He went on, explaining the three steps of getting over anyone:
“My biggest problem was that I had so much time on my hands. Time during which I used to torture myself constantly. I would go through everything in painstaking detail. The ‘what-ifs’ and ‘if-only's.’ Everything SHE ever said, everything I ever said … and I would blame myself for all of it. I just couldn’t stop.
It destroyed me from the inside. Little by little. Like a cancer that I would feed daily with new toxic thoughts and theories. It was an obsession that led me to the edge.”
He then understood that IF he wanted to survive this, he had to STOP this destructive mental process. No matter what.
This is the first secret on how to get over a breakup:
Breakup Secret #1: Thought Control

Obsessing over an Ex is a real addiction and has to be treated as such.
You are deepening your emotional pain every time that you:
- Ruminate about your breakup and everything that surrounds it.
- Try to establish contact in any way.
- Stalk your Ex on social media.
- Do drive-bys, drunk-calls, or try to see them in any way.
You are feeding your addiction and thus, digging yourself deeper into the quicksand of pain.
You are making your recovery more difficult each time.
So, your first priority should be to STOP it, or at least contain it.
When I work with clients, we first work out what’s behind the obsessiveness, even before we try behavioral therapy techniques to keep it at bay.
Because if you understand the WHY and pull out the roots of this obsessiveness, it takes care of itself.
Ask yourself the following questions to reveal what really lies behind all this:
What does it stand for?
What need does it replace?
What happens internally when you try to stop?
Take your time with this, and you will gain essential insights for your recovery.
Why this works — The science behind the secret:
Helen E. Fisher and Lucy L. Brown conducted a study with people going through a breakup, and they found something interesting:
Brain-wise, it’s the same whether you crave an Ex-partner or an addict craves a drug.
This proves the existence of an Ex-Addiction, and it underscores the necessity to stay away from the “drug” .
Source: Fisher, H. E., Xu, X., Aron, A., and Brown, L.L. “Intense, Passionate, Romantic Love: A Natural Addiction? How the Fields That Investigate Romance and Substance Abuse Can Inform Each Other.” Frontiers in Psychology (2016): 7:687
Breakup Secret #2: Unconditional Self-Love
My relative told me that all his negative self-talk resulted in a terrible self-image.
He used to tell himself variations of the same story over and over again.
“I would constantly repeat in my mind, ‘I am worthless, unlovable, and there must be something wrong with me.' I would mentally go through my past and find proof that this must be true. If you tell yourself this long enough, you will start to believe it.”
Thus, the second secret is to restore your self-image.
Because you cannot achieve anything if you think that you’re a piece of sh%$.
Change your self-narrative. Tell a different story.
Fall in love with the person you are.
Only then will others be able to love you too.
Why this works — The science behind the secret:
David Sbarra led a study with 105 divorcées and found that “higher levels of self-compassion […] were associated with less divorce related emotional intrusion into daily life.”
Those with higher self-love reported fewer obsessive negative thoughts, fewer bad dreams, and less negative rumination.
Source: Sbarra, David A., Hillary L. Smith, and Matthias R. Mehl. “When leaving your ex, love yourself: Observational ratings of self-compassion predict the course of emotional recovery following marital separation.” Psychological science 23.3 (2012): 261-269.
Breakup Secret #3: Finding Your Special Purpose In Life
“After I got out of jail,” my relative told me, “I fell into a deep black pit. I didn’t know what to do with myself. But then I realized that I am free … I can do anything I want.”
He continued, “I then spent lots of time figuring out what I really loved to do, what fulfilled me. I took that and tried to help people with it. That’s how I found my special life purpose that pushed me through this life crisis.”
That insight really hit me hard.
At that time, I was working a job that wasn’t at all what I wanted to do. The breakup revealed how much I really hated it.
Let me ask you this: Are you also working a job that you despise? Do you feel that you live a meaningless life?
It’s because you don’t follow your personal life purpose.
Some even call it “bliss.”
Find out what you always loved to do, figure out how you can help people doing it, and ta-da — you have your special purpose in life.
Can you guess what mine is?
Why this works – The science behind the secret:
Stephanie Hooker states in her study that a greater sense of purpose in life and physical and emotional health are connected. It reduces stress, improves coping, and promotes behaviors that increase health. People who have a personal life purpose will heal quicker and get over severe setbacks easier than those who lack a purpose in life.
Source: Hooker, S. A., Masters, K. S., & Park, C. L. (2018). A meaningful life is a healthy life: A conceptual model linking meaning and meaning salience to health. Review of General Psychology, 22(1), 11-24.
What I Did Next After That Fateful Day
Have you ever experienced a moment of total clarity?
A moment where you knew precisely what you must do?
After that day with my relative, I knew what I had to do to get over her fast.
I also knew what to do with my life:
I would take what he had taught me and help others who were in the same place that I had been.
It became my life’s mission.
Fast forward 17 years later, I’ve perfected his “method” and developed the “Ex-DETOX System,” my unique coaching approach.
I’ve coached thousands of people since, and tens of thousands of students are members of the “home-study version,” our DETOX Course.
I’ve found the love of my life shortly after I recovered, and we welcomed twin girls a year later.
Emotional independence, the perfect fit partner, mojo-giver to millions of the broken-hearted out there, a business founded in helping people —
All made possible by picking up the phone on the worst day of my life.
Now I have a question for YOU:
What will you do today, now that you’ve read this?
“The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love, and to be greater than our suffering.” — Ben Okri
Today, my relative is a humble, faithful man who lives a quiet life with his family.
I owe him everything, and I try to visit him every year. Each time, he has new insights to offer that inspire me.
The three steps I’ve outlined are lifesavers to so many, right up to the present day. They are cornerstones to a lasting recovery.
I can only advise you to follow these as closely as you can, and I guarantee that your breakup or divorce will change your life for the better.
My breakup, as tormenting as it may have been, opened up a new, better world for me.
It acted as a catalyst for a long due change. A change that forced me to confront my emotional trauma and personal issues that dominated my life for so long.
“What we regard as a curse, the worst thing that ever happened to us,” my relative said, “can be a blessing in disguise. We only have to see the lesson in it.”
I challenge you to follow my steps, I'm convinced that you can do it, no matter who you are, how old you are, or what you went through.
This works.
If you need help with these three steps, please consider joining my free newsletter, where I guide you through this on a day-to-day basis.
My relative was MY lifesaver. Allow me to be yours.
Now It’s Your Turn
This was the story about how I became a breakup expert and the three steps on how to get over a breakup fast.
And now I’d like to hear from you:
Do you have questions about the steps or the experience I had with my relative?
Or maybe you want to share your healing process?
Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below.
Your friend and coach,
Eddie Corbano
The pain is real. The pain after a breakup. Especially the ones you didn’t see coming. I had a long distance relationship, we celebrated together our first anniversary in November, together in his country. I visited him four times during the year, stayed always for about two weeks (last time in November for 18 days). When we were not physically together, we texted and called the whole day as much as we could, and talked thru whole nights. I deeply fell in love, and felt he feels the same. He introduced me to all his friends and family.
He is a Muslim, an Arab (from Egypt), so I had concerns at the very beginning – for example because of the traditional ways of living. He said his family is dreaming about him marrying a girl from his country, from the families his family knows, but he had a European girlfriend before,and they accepted her. They even lived together,just it didn’t work,and the girl left him after some time,and went back to her country.
The whole year I had a very bad gut feeling,and was under constant stress. I was telling him that I am extremely scared that his family will separate us..He told me I am making drama where is no drama, that he had a European before and not a big deal – he also added that if I think he can ever leave me, then I don’t believe in his big love for me. When he felt I want to give up,he told me that if I ever want to leave him,I should kill him directly because he wouldn’t stand the pain.
So we celebrated our first anniversary in November,and everything was amazing. We went to the same cafe where we were a year ago, wore the same clothes,it was sweet. In Egypt there is a non-official wedding contract you can sign,with two witnesses and a lawyer, so we even had a mini-marriage, and agreed that I go back home,arrange everything from my end in order to start living together in Egypt,and that he will talk again with his family that it’s serious with us,will find a flat for us. When he put me on the plane back home,he told me I should not be crying (I cried each time I was going home), as next time I come it will be forever, and our life really starts now. He told me it must be like that as he no longer can live without me,as I am the love of his life. Each time I stayed there,we talked a lot,had a lot of programs,I was also cooking for him so he can taste my food,and he loved it. I prepared his coffee the way he loved it,slowly cooked in a jezva pot…I gave my all to him and was ready for the future.
In December he visited his family back in Cairo (he lives in Sharm El Sheikh), he didn’t see them for a long time,and he wanted to talk to them about our future. He didn’t call me from there during the whole time,was just sending me messages,but always lovely amazing messages as usually. He videocalled me once for a short time,sitting in his new car to show me the interior. That was around 11th December. He told me he is so happy to see me,and that he loves me more than I can imagine. Talked the next day via messages too,they attended to a family wedding,he sent me the family photo and told me only I am missing from there,as I am his amazing wife.
Literally two days later,on 14th December,he wrote me a few messages (the two days before he didn’t contact me at all). He said there is a big problem, a big drama,and his parents doesn’t want to accept me at all. That he is devastated and it’s worse than ever. I was in a shock,the fear I had the whole year became real. I started to shake and didn’t sleep the whole night. He disappeared for two days and did the same back and forth for the next two weeks. He always wrote me in after 2-3 days,but always the same,that he doesn’t know what to do as he doesn’t want to lose his family but not me either and he prefers to die. I was devastated. The worst days of my life in a long time. I had to take sedatives to stop from shaking. My whole Christmas was destroyed as well. After two weeks,on December 27 he told me sorry,I have to chose my family and make them happy,so I have to marry an Egyptian. My heart completely died. I could not believe that. I replied,and he replied back in two days,then in another two days – it was already January 3rd. In those messages he told me he still doesn’t want to give up,as he would die for the life with me. He gave me a mini hope I’m the pain. Three days later,on January 6 at night he wrote me another messages – I found them on Jan 7 in the morning. He said he has nothing more to say or add,and he doesn’t want to,he has to give up as he will lose his sanity,and he wants to calm his family down,so he wants to accept the fate. He sent me a voice message (I heard his voice after almost a month) that he gives it up and I have to go and find someone else, and should take care of myself.
It’s only two days later, January 9th today. I am in a completely devastated state. Taking sedatives to stop shaking and to sleep around 4 hours at night, and to don’t do something stupid to myself. I am in a complete shock and still cannot believe this all. He swore to God he will never ever give up on me. I am in such a shock that I cannot even accept that he left me yet.
My surrounding though is happy. Not happy that I suffer,but they all tell me he didn’t deserve me,and that he was just enjoying that a European girl was visiting him, bringing gifts,cooked for him and gave him my all. All my family and friends tell me he was never serious with me,he used me out,and that I should take it from there. Unfortunately he told me so many times how devastated he is and that he is the victim in this story,that I still believe in that. But my close ones tell me he is a manipulative bastard,and I should take it from there,and forget him.
Easier to say than do,but I have the hope that my family and friends will help me to get thru the worst. I didn’t have the power to block him yet,I am devastated. The pain from breakup is real.
I’m still in shock I can’t believe it is really over. And after 2 years he broke up with me over a text message…. I’m so overwhelmed with so many emotions and thoughts
What if your ex is also the father of your son of whom is fighting for sole custody, digging the knife in deeper and deeper by keeping my son from me (only to be spiteful) and having to go to HIS house every week if I want to see my son? Pure emotional torture I’ve endured for almost 6 months. I have made positive moves by getting a new career full time (yes, I enjoy it), going to college full time, and raising my 10 year old daughter. However, I am living with my parents since the breakup (less than a minute from where we shared a home for 6 years!) He’s everywhere and acts as if I don’t exist. What advice do you have for getting over an ex that is being the worst person I never knew he could be, and I HAVE to maintain contact with him for the sake of my 4 year old son?? Please help.
Thank you soooooooooo for this brave content. God bless 🙠you.
Hi, I am 8 weeks post breakup! My ex left to look at houses for us and never returned. We were about to share our life together. Since then I begged, cried , took sick leave and he is now travelling in Asia…we have talked regularly, not about the relationship, which was really healthy…he said last week (65 years old) that I am his last love and is happy with this, but we can’t be together. Spin out for me. I am no trying to move on, not contact him, even if I feel he is thinking of me. I am going out, and planning my new life without him. Any advice would be welcomed…